About Lifecell International Pvt Ltd :
In life, we always look forward to the best of times but want to stay prepared for the worst of times. It is especially true when it comes to our families. And that’s why having an ally is a big plus. At LifeCell, that’s exactly what we strive to do – be there for you and your family every step of the way throughout this journey called life.
With An Unrelenting Passion For Innovation & Life, We Are On A Mission To Help Nurture Healthy
Bringing a child into this world is a life-defining moment – one that is supposed to bring joy and purpose. But oftentimes, we try without knowing how prepared we are. With our excellent panel of fertility experts to guide you, be assured of personal handholding towards discovering this joy whenever you feel ready to experience it.
The beginning of an intimate relationship between the mother and foetus during the prenatal journey is one that is beautiful, yet stressful. LifeCell offers pertinent assessments and screenings for both mother and child to ensure timely interventions and a smooth transition towards stress-free child-birth.
Life comes full circle with the birth of a child. Shielding the little finger that curls in your palm and hearing the sound of a tiny heartbeat evokes a flurry of mixed emotions. Chief among them is the parental instinct – to provide for and leave behind a legacy for the next generation.
What if you could fulfil this promise to your newborn? Of keeping them shielded in good health and well-being throughout their lifetime at birth itself. LifeCell community stem cell banking offers just that – preparedness for treatment against 80+ life-threatening diseases with >97% chance of finding a stem cell match for your newborn and extended family.
Life Is Defined By The Big Moments But Lived In The Numerous Small Moments, And LifeCell
Partners You In Both.
The gamut of services that LifeCell offers covers issues of every day including screening for infections, preventive health care, genetic and cytogenetic tests for prenatal and newborn health, tissue-derived healing products, women’s health and elderly care. With its spirit of healthcare innovation, LifeCell will continue to develop customer-focused and need-based offerings to help every child and family live their healthiest lives.
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